
Ariel Dacal Díaz
Educador Popular
I began eating avocadoes to try and get my son to eat vegetables and fruits. I took paternity leave to take care of my daughter. I have said sorry when I do things wrong, when my maturity hasn’t risen to the occasion. I have snatched time away from my ego to play their never-ending games. […]
“We’re pregnant” is an expression which, far from being a simplism, joke or pretentiousness, announces the silent revolution of fatherhood, in language too. Using this phrase implies a combination of pride, responsibility and commitment. It establishes a deeper and more equal feeling of being a partner, of being more human, more emancipatory. It also expresses […]
Bread and hope as a fairytale of socialism that shares power, production, knowledge, dignity and rights. The chance to reach proper justice and freedom. Democratic socialism backed by the people. A Republic of the working class. A safeguard of social control on bureaucracy and capitalists.
COVID-19 came and imposed itself on the reality that preceded it, and it will leave us a reality that it isn’t really at fault for. Human behavior, collective consciousness, common sense, political decisions and their benefactors, continue to be what has the last word at the end of the day.
I went to the house of someone very dear to me and went into her kitchen right when she was “cleaning” the chicken from the bodega food rations store. “Did you read the new amendments to the Constitution?” I asked her just to get on her nerves. “No, but I will just to see if they double […]
Is it wrong to always ask her about politics from the perspective of the bodega store, or rationed chicken, or the almost coffee? Which has to approach the other? The Constitution or the bodega store? Or vice-versa? What needs to be done for one to do with the other? What needs to be done for one to be as important as the other?
Having a personal choice is a necessary step, but it isn’t enough. Another kind of paternity demands another kind of law. Laws need to be designed so that fathers can enjoy this new paternity fully

Ariel Dacal Díaz
Educador Popular
I began eating avocadoes to try and get my son to eat vegetables and fruits. I took paternity leave to take care of my daughter. I have said sorry when I do things wrong, when my maturity hasn’t risen to the occasion. I have snatched time away from my ego to play their never-ending games. […]
COVID-19 came and imposed itself on the reality that preceded it, and it will leave us a reality that it isn’t really at fault for. Human behavior, collective consciousness, common sense, political decisions and their benefactors, continue to be what has the last word at the end of the day.
Having a personal choice is a necessary step, but it isn’t enough. Another kind of paternity demands another kind of law. Laws need to be designed so that fathers can enjoy this new paternity fully
“We’re pregnant” is an expression which, far from being a simplism, joke or pretentiousness, announces the silent revolution of fatherhood, in language too. Using this phrase implies a combination of pride, responsibility and commitment. It establishes a deeper and more equal feeling of being a partner, of being more human, more emancipatory. It also expresses […]
I went to the house of someone very dear to me and went into her kitchen right when she was “cleaning” the chicken from the bodega food rations store. “Did you read the new amendments to the Constitution?” I asked her just to get on her nerves. “No, but I will just to see if they double […]
Bread and hope as a fairytale of socialism that shares power, production, knowledge, dignity and rights. The chance to reach proper justice and freedom. Democratic socialism backed by the people. A Republic of the working class. A safeguard of social control on bureaucracy and capitalists.
Is it wrong to always ask her about politics from the perspective of the bodega store, or rationed chicken, or the almost coffee? Which has to approach the other? The Constitution or the bodega store? Or vice-versa? What needs to be done for one to do with the other? What needs to be done for one to be as important as the other?