Matria: Servicio de comunicación para Cuba con enfoque de género y contra la violencia machista.
Foto: Matria.

“We’re Pregnant” – a More Fertile Expression

“We’re pregnant” is an expression which, far from being a simplism, joke or pretentiousness, announces the silent revolution of fatherhood, in language too. Using this phrase implies a combination of pride, responsibility and commitment. It establishes a deeper and more equal feeling of being a partner, of being more human, more emancipatory. It also expresses […]

Ilustración: Matria.

Chess for My Daughter

This weekend, we agreed to learn to play chess, seriously. My daughter and I sat in front of each other, the board between us, all of the black and white pieces in position, standing tall, with a pen and piece of paper nearby to take notes. She and I, alone; the world around us could […]

Cine cubano, ventana, precariedad. Sonidista, fotógrafa y directora de «¿Cómo educar un niño?»

The Team Behind a Documentary that Doesn’t See Race

The idea that socialism helped to resolve Cuba’s race problem is just an illusion: “You can’t destroy a mindset so easily that has been baking for centuries in slavery and colonialism,” says filmmaker Gretel Marin, who graduated from Cuba’s University of the Arts (ISA). Born into a “mixed” family, Gretel discovered racism’s ugly head as […]

Mujer tatuada, risa, blanco y negro, flores. Yenisley Castellanos. Foto: Cortesía de la entrevistada.

Skin Stories: Secrets of a Female Cuban Tattoo Artist

She’s 36 years old, but she seems to have lived a lot longer given the map of experiences traced on her own body in ink. Her name is Yenisley Castellanos. She was born in Banes, Holguin, and is one of the first female tattoo artists in Cuba. Rejection. This word comes up over and over […]


1 EUR355.00 CUP
1 USD350.00 CUP
1 MLC275.00 CUP
1 CAD222.00 CUP
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Matria: Servicio de comunicación para Cuba con enfoque de género y contra la violencia machista.

Foto: Matria.
“We’re pregnant” is an expression which, far from being a simplism, joke or pretentiousness, announces the silent revolution of fatherhood, in language too. Using this phrase implies a combination of pride, responsibility and commitment. It establishes a deeper and more equal feeling of being a partner, of being more human, more emancipatory. It also expresses […]

This weekend, we agreed to learn to play chess, seriously. My daughter and I sat in front of each other, the board between us, all of the black and white pieces in position, standing tall, with a pen and piece of paper nearby to take notes. She and I, alone; the world around us could […]

The idea that socialism helped to resolve Cuba’s race problem is just an illusion: “You can’t destroy a mindset so easily that has been baking for centuries in slavery and colonialism,” says filmmaker Gretel Marin, who graduated from Cuba’s University of the Arts (ISA). Born into a “mixed” family, Gretel discovered racism’s ugly head as […]

She’s 36 years old, but she seems to have lived a lot longer given the map of experiences traced on her own body in ink. Her name is Yenisley Castellanos. She was born in Banes, Holguin, and is one of the first female tattoo artists in Cuba. Rejection. This word comes up over and over […]


1 EUR355.00 CUP
1 USD350.00 CUP
1 MLC275.00 CUP
1 CAD222.00 CUP
Calendar iconCUBA

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