
Emilio Sánchez

Emilio Sánchez

Graduado de Ciencias de la Información en la Facultad de Comunicación de la Universidad de La Habana (2017). Profesor, archivero, buscador de datos e historias.
In early 2019, when a tornado swept through Havana up to Regla on October 10th, mobile data was the primary resource many used to set up support networks, send solidarity messages and coordinate humanitarian efforts. It was a beautiful, authentic and natural act. The number of Internet users has grown since then. As a result, […]


Emilio Sánchez

Emilio Sánchez

Graduado de Ciencias de la Información en la Facultad de Comunicación de la Universidad de La Habana (2017). Profesor, archivero, buscador de datos e historias.

In early 2019, when a tornado swept through Havana up to Regla on October 10th, mobile data was the primary resource many used to set up support networks, send solidarity messages and coordinate humanitarian efforts. It was a beautiful, authentic and natural act. The number of Internet users has grown since then. As a result, […]

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