
Isabel Cristina
Mamá de dos hijos varones. Teatróloga. Escritora. Master en Pedagogía del Teatro. Profesora de la Universidad de las Artes. ISA.
There are many articles available about how safe co-sleeping helps regulate the body’s temperature, weight gain and prevent Sudden infant death syndrome. As well as giving babies greater security and comfort, helping parents to get a good night’s rest and encouraging longer breastfeeding during the night.
“Pink is for girls, and blue is for boys.” This simple distinction between colors gets worse and more complex, until we hear terrible things like: “Men don’t cry”; “that’s what butch women do”; “how many girlfriends does this boy have?”; “girls don’t play with cars”; “boys don’t play with dolls.”
Pregnancy is not only the joy of a baby on its way, it is also a series of physical changes to a woman’s body. Some women suffer more changes than others postpartum, when we no longer have a beautiful belly, and our bodies don’t return to what they once were.

Isabel Cristina
Mamá de dos hijos varones. Teatróloga. Escritora. Master en Pedagogía del Teatro. Profesora de la Universidad de las Artes. ISA.
There are many articles available about how safe co-sleeping helps regulate the body’s temperature, weight gain and prevent Sudden infant death syndrome. As well as giving babies greater security and comfort, helping parents to get a good night’s rest and encouraging longer breastfeeding during the night.
“Pink is for girls, and blue is for boys.” This simple distinction between colors gets worse and more complex, until we hear terrible things like: “Men don’t cry”; “that’s what butch women do”; “how many girlfriends does this boy have?”; “girls don’t play with cars”; “boys don’t play with dolls.”
Pregnancy is not only the joy of a baby on its way, it is also a series of physical changes to a woman’s body. Some women suffer more changes than others postpartum, when we no longer have a beautiful belly, and our bodies don’t return to what they once were.