I Only Ask God One Thing: Watch Over the Migrant Families

I Only Ask God One Thing: Watch Over the Migrant Families

In the last sixty years, migratory exoduses have driven hundreds of thousands of Cubans of different generations and ideologies into exile.

Nearly a Half Million Cubans Reach USA Since October 2021

Nearly a Half Million Cubans Reach USA Since October 2021

A total of 464,197 Cubans have made it to the United States since October 2021, according to statistics from US Customs and Border Protection.


Surviving Tapachula: Witness Account of a Cuban Migrant

Lots of Cubans in Tapachula, like Leo, are living in overcrowded conditions. Some for days others for months.

Cuban Migration by Sea: Deaths & Disappearances in 2023

Cuban Migration by Sea: Deaths & Disappearances in 2023

Between January 2021 and June 2023, the U.S. Border Patrol detained 7,479 Cuban migrants in the Florida Straits. The maritime route accumulates several incidents in which several Cubans lost their lives or disappeared.

What Changes Came Out of the Cuba-US Migration Talks?

What Changes Came Out of the Cuba-US Migration Talks?

Although the US government noted that these talks “are generally held every six months,” those on Thursday represented the first of the Migration Agreement talks between Washington and Havana since 2018.


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Migración Cubana

I Only Ask God One Thing: Watch Over the Migrant Families
In the last sixty years, migratory exoduses have driven hundreds of thousands of Cubans of different generations and ideologies into exile.

A total of 464,197 Cubans have made it to the United States since October 2021, according to statistics from US Customs and Border Protection.

Lots of Cubans in Tapachula, like Leo, are living in overcrowded conditions. Some for days others for months.

Between January 2021 and June 2023, the U.S. Border Patrol detained 7,479 Cuban migrants in the Florida Straits. The maritime route accumulates several incidents in which several Cubans lost their lives or disappeared.

Although the US government noted that these talks “are generally held every six months,” those on Thursday represented the first of the Migration Agreement talks between Washington and Havana since 2018.


1 EUR345.00 CUP
1 USD340.00 CUP
1 MLC250.00 CUP
Calendar iconCUBA

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