The Matraca illustrations in this issue were inspired by the concerts that Norah Jones will perform in Havana and statements by Mariela Castro and Aleida Guevara about their support for Palestine.

Norah Jones is coming. No Yora Nons. She won’t cry? Wait until she sees the situation here and then see if she doesn’t cry.

Who’s last in the line for chicken Jones?

Let’s go Norah, how about a tour of Punto Cero (where the cream lives),,,

With the cost of the Norah Jones concert I could buy a fantastic apartment in Mayabeque!

Norah Jones, stay for a while in Havana.

Hey girl, have you seen how the imperialists are acting? Yes! I have military training if I decide to go.

Mariela, are we going to miss the “Diner en Blanc” and Norah Jones? Palestinians, wait for them sitting.!
This article was translated into English from the original in Spanish.

¡apoya la sátira cubana!
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